What I Offer

Health Accelerator Call

(15 minutes)

This short session, free and non-obligatory, is to get to know one another better! Be ready to tell me what your issues are and I’ll let you know how I can be of service.

Hormone Health Blueprint

(60 minutes)



Not sure where to start? How about having a detailed conversation about your health concerns? Just complete a health history form, symptoms checklist and submit recent blood work (up to the last 12 months) prior to the consultation. At the end of the session, I will determine how best to transform your body, mind and spirit with a hormone health blueprint customized just for you! This session will also tell us if we are both right to go on a private coaching journey together!

Advanced Hormone Package (75 minutes)


  • DUTCH Complete™ Test Kit

  • Detailed Evaluation of Results

  • Customized Hormone Health Blueprint

Highly recommended for women with a risk of breast/ovarian/uterine cancers (or recovered from them), with uterine fibroids, breast/ovarian cysts, endometriosis, PCOS and menopause.

This is the only test that gives a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites with dried urine samples, taken over a 24-hour period. It also includes the daily, free cortisol pattern, organic acids, melatonin (6-OHMS), and 8-OHdG. It is a complete game changer in the functional medicine landscape, and far superior to saliva hormone testing in most circumstances. The test kit will be shipped to directly to your location with a return shipping label*

The evaluation and hormone health blueprint fees are waived if you sign up for the Mastering Your Hormones program.

*Delivery charges (DHL Express) for the test kit is included in the package price.


Mastering Your Hormones - Exclusive, 1:1 Program (12 weeks) US$2’300.-

Are you ready for a TOTAL transformation? Are you committed to taking charge of your own health and be a better version of yourself and for your loved ones? Here’s an exclusive 1-1 coaching tailored to your unique lifestyle, concerns and goals regarding your hormone health! With my customized hormone blueprint included in this program, I will guide you to eliminate food triggers, incorporate nutrient-dense foods, supplementation and lifestyle adjustments safely and holistically. I’ll be your accountability buddy, mentor and coach to empower, educate and inspire your way to THRIVING health!

What you’ll enjoy

  • Exclusive 3-month program only for your unique physiology and goals

  • A customized strategy and action plan for nutrition, supplementation, testing and lifestyle adjustments to balance your hormones

  • Once every 2 weekly remote/physical meet-ups (up to 1 hour each)

  • Flexibility in scheduling

  • Daily support via Whatsapp or calls and/or accountability with like-minded ladies in an intimate and private Whatsapp group


Make new friends and get support from other women in a safe environment!

Reset Your Hormones! - Group Program

(4 weeks) US$450 per person

Feeling tired? Want to lose stubborn weight (especially at the belly)? Wish to get deeper, longer sleep? If nothing has worked, it’s time to reset those hormones, bring them back into balance and achieve the energy, radiance and confidence you've always wanted! 

  • 4 - 6 women in a group: online/physical meet-ups

  • Wednesday or Sunday groups

  • 4 weekly sessions, 1 hour each

  • Daily accountability via Whatsapp group

What you’ll get:

  • My 3 guiding pillars for hormonal health: nutrition, sleep and physical movement

  • The optimal diet for weight loss and better sleep

  • When to eat and drink for deep restful sleep

  • When and how to exercise according to your monthly cycle

  • Dangers of environmental toxins in your household

  • Education on what estrogen and progesterone are, how they fluctuate every month (yes, even for perimenopausal and menopausal women!)

Crush Your Sugar Cravings - Group Program

(4 weeks) US$400 per person

Sugar is a big trigger of hormonal imbalances: period cramps, mood swings, weight gain, acne, headaches, migraines, eczema, allergies etc. Let me guide you on how to dramatically reduce sugar cravings holistically and safely, without going hungry!

  • 4 - 6 women in a group: online/physical meet-ups

  • Fridays

  • 4 weekly sessions, 1 hour each

  • Daily accountability via Whatsapp group

What you’ll get:

  • The impact of sugar on our health

  • What kinds of foods should you avoid or eliminate completely

  • How to reduce your sugar cravings

  • How to swap sugar for healthier alternatives

Sleep Like A Baby - Group Program (4 weeks) US$400 per person

Sleep is THE foundation of health! It is the time when our bodies and brains need to restore and rejuvenate, and is crucial for optimum hormonal, skin and brain health. Let me help you to identify areas of improvement and my practical tips on resolving them in just 4 weeks.

  • 4 - 6 women in a group: online/physical meet-ups

  • Saturdays

  • 4 weekly sessions, 1 hour each

  • Daily accountability via Whatsapp group

What you’ll get:

  • Why the lack of sleep affects your hormonal and brain health

  • Good day-time habits that can improve your sleep

  • Relaxing night-time rituals to fall asleep and stay asleep

  • Recommendations for safe supplements that can help (in the interim) to improve sleep duration and quality